måndag 14 april 2014

Luis Barragán

Light. Colorful. Multi-facetted.

Indoor pool, The Gilardi House, Mexico City, 1975-77

Cuadra San Cristobál, Los Clubes, 1966-68
© Armando Salas Portugal/Barragán Foundation, Switzerland

Casa Gilardi, Mexico City, Mexico 1976

Barragán House, Mexico City, Mexico, 1948
Photo © Barragan Foundation, Birsfelden, Switzerland/ProLitteris, Zurich, Switzerland

måndag 7 april 2014


Weightless, almost transparent architecture fascinates me. There are a few japanese architects who work with just that, dissolving the limits of the built, that creates an almost dreamlike atmosphere.

The absolute weightless architecture, something that could be identified as lightness or dissolving or transparent, is like this architecture dream, that is realised and keeps the dreaminess and doesn't lose on the way to construction.

Sublime and dreaming go very well together and lightness definitely makes me dream.

Japanese pavilion at the 2008 Venice architecture biennale, by Junya Ishigami

Serpentine pavilion 2009 in Hyde Park, London by SANAA

House NA, also called Transparent House, 2010, by Sou Fujimoto Architects